In the media
Interaction with neighbors
Neuronal field simulates brain activity
Modeling propagating activity waves
The appearance of a spot of light on the retina causes sudden activat…
Bernstein Newsletter
Nerve cells provide neighborly aid
The visual cortex of the brain analyzes and processes neuronal signals originating from the retina. When parts…
Cerebral Neurons assist Adjacent Neurons
RUB scientists observe reorganisation after a lesion
PNAS: Activity measurements using voltage-sensitive dyes
After retinal lesions, the affecte…
Leonardo - Wo sind die Gedanken, bevor man sie denkt?
Wissenschaft und mehr
WDR5 - Die kleine Anfrage [audio-file]
von Michael Bockelmann, 7. April 2008
Nature Neuroscience Reviews
Catch a shooting star
New work by Jancke and colleagues, using voltage-sensitive dyes to image neuronal activity in vivo, shows how activity in…
Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung
Das eigensinnige Organ im Kopf
Das Auge hat das heranrasende Auto längst erfasst, das Gehirn verarbeitet bereits Signale, dennoch haben wir es no…