
Onat S, Nortmann N, Rekauzke S, König P, Jancke D (2011).

Independent encoding of grating motion across stationary feature maps in primary visual cortex visualized with voltage-sensitive dye imaging.

Neuroimage 55, 1763-1770. (movie)

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Chavane F, Sharon D, Jancke D, Marre O, Fregnac Y, Grinvald A (2011).

Lateral spread of orientation selectivity is controlled by intracortical cooperativity.

Front Syst Neurosc 5: 4.

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Markounikau V, Igel C, Grinvald A, Jancke D (2010).

A dynamic neural field model of mesoscopic cortical activity captured with voltage-sensitive dye imaging.

PLoS Comput Biol 6, e1000919.

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Ng B, Grabska-Barwinska A, Güntürkün O, Jancke D (2010).

Dominant vertical orientation processing without clustered maps: Early visual brain dynamics imaged with voltage-sensitive dye in the pigeon visual wulst.

J Neuroscience 30, 6713-6725.

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Palagina A, Eysel UT, Jancke D (2009).

Strengthening of lateral activation in adult rat visual cortex after retinal lesions captured with voltage-sensitive dye imaging.

PNAS 106, 8743-8747. (movie)

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Grabska-Barwinska A, Distler C, Hoffmann KP, Jancke D (2009).

Contrast independence of cardinal preference: Stable oblique effect in orientation maps of ferret visual cortex.

Eur J Neuroscience 29, 1258-1270.

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Sharon D, Jancke D, Chavane F, Na'aman, Grinvald A (2007).

Cortical response field dynamics in cat visual cortex.

Cerebral Cortex 17, 2866-2877.

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Jancke D, Chavane F, Na'aman S, Grinvald A (2004).

Imaging cortical correlates of illusion in early visual cortex.

Nature 428, 423-426. (see movies of the illusion and its cortical correlate)

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Jancke D, Erlhagen W, Schöner G, Dinse HR (2004).

Shorter latencies for motion trajectories than for flashes in population responses of primary visual cortex.

J Physiol556: 971-982.

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Erlhagen W, Jancke D (2004).

The role of action plans and other cognitive factors in motion extrapolation: A modelling study.

Visual Cognition 11: 315-340.

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